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Prominent figures react to the Jacob Blake shooting in Kenosha, including Joe Biden

Prominent figures react to the Jacob Blake shooting in Kenosha including Joe Biden
Take a look at the reaction, on Twitter and elsewhere, by prominent figures following to shooting of Jacob Blake in Kensoha early Sunday evening.
A man is seen as a city truck is on fire outside the Kenosha County Courthouse in Kenosha on Sunday, Aug. 23, 2020. Kenosha police shot a man Sunday evening, setting off unrest in the city.

The world woke up Monday to news and video of a shooting in Kenosha on Sunday, in which a man named Jacob Blake was shot multiple times in the back by law enforcement.

The incident led to marches, damages to businesses and vehicles getting set on fire in Kenosha as Blake was taken to Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee.

Here are some of the reactions, starting with Vice President (and Democratic nominee for President) Joe Biden:

"Yesterday in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Jacob Blake was shot seven times in the back as police attempted to restrain him from getting into his car. His children watched from inside the car and bystanders watched in disbelief. And this morning, the nation wakes up yet again with grief and outrage that yet another Black American is a victim of excessive force. This calls for an immediate, full and transparent investigation and the officers must be held accountable.

"These shots pierce the soul of our nation. Jill and I pray for Jacob’s recovery and for his children.

"Equal justice has not been real for Black Americans and so many others. We are at an inflection point. We must dismantle systemic racism. It is the urgent task before us. We must fight to honor the ideals laid in the original American promise, which we are yet to attain: That all men and women are created equal, but more importantly that they must be treated equally."

Biden's running mate, Kamala Harris, also responded.

Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders were among those to tweet about the shooting as well (see their remarks below).

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisconsin): “The video from Kenosha of a Black man being shot is terrifying to watch and we need a full and independent investigation by the Wisconsin Department of Justice to get all the facts about this police shooting. As we pray for Jacob Blake to live, let peaceful protests lead the way to the answers we seek, and justice.”

Reggie Moore, director of Milwaukee’s Office of Violence Prevention, said Monday morning that Kenosha should err on the side of transparency, including the release of any information, whether body camera or dashboard camera footage.

There is cumulative trauma, Moore said, in watching violence against Black lives. And while people should be able to turn off the video, he said, they should not turn off their compassion and resolve for change.

“Given the racial inequities produced in this state for Black families, that this incident happened in Wisconsin isn’t surprising to me,” Moore said.

Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley: “As a father, it breaks my heart to know that Blake's children went to sleep last night not knowing if their father would make it through the night. It cuts even deeper to know that he is not the first person of color to have their lives endangered at the hands of law enforcement in this state or nation.”

Crowley cited the deep inequities affecting Wisconsin’s Black residents and said Blake’s wounds “are the result of systemic racism, the policies and practices that entangle our institutions and produce racially disparate outcomes, regardless of the intentions of the people who work within them.”

Milwaukee Police Association: While the video in Kenosha, Wisconsin may show some troubling things, protesting must remain calm. It must remain peaceful. The Milwaukee Police Association does not have any issues with peaceful protesting.

"I am very disturbed by the comments that were made by Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers. Governor Evers appears to be pushing a narrative that completely disrespects law enforcement in our state. As the Governor of Wisconsin, his duty should be to collect all the details before pushing a false ideology. Governor Evers decided to make a statement, not based on facts, but based on hunches. Governor Evers has decided to let his opinions be known. Governor Evers does not know all of the facts. In fact, the MPA does not know all of the facts in this case. Let the investigators do their job and investigate. Let the facts comes out before making a statement that a person has “been shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement in our state ...

"Politicians need to remain calm until everything comes out. By rushing to judgement, without knowing all of the facts, this will only fuel the cause of others to protest in a manner that isn’t peaceful. Reckless comments, without all of the facts, can only lead someone to a rush of judgement which will result in emotions taking over.

U.S. Representative Bryan Steil (R-WIs.), who oversees the First District that includes Kenosha: “We need the Wisconsin Department of Justice to conduct a thorough, independent, exhaustive investigation into the officer-involved shooting in Kenosha. We must support each other and our Kenosha community, and we cannot allow violence and destruction."

U.S. Representative Gwen Moore (D-Wis.), a Milwaukee native: What happened yesterday to Jacob Blake is an all too frequent experience for Black people in America.

"Jacob was shot in the back multiple times in front of his children. Trauma was inflicted on not only Jacob, but on his innocent children. My heart aches for him and his family. I am praying that he makes a full recovery from his serious injuries.

"We must rid our communities and our systems of the racism that results in biased policing practices, creating devastating tragedies for Black men and women. We all must treat racism as the public health emergency that it is and take appropriate action to keep other families and communities from being traumatized by these reckless shootings.

"The Wisconsin Department of Justice must conduct a thorough investigation as part of the process of ensuring that  police officers are held accountable when excessive, violent force is used.  

"I am tired of condemning these shootings which is why I joined my colleagues in the House in passing the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act (H.R. 7120) to begin making the steps necessary to build greater transparency, accountability and fairness in policing. I am calling for action from the Senate Majority Leader to bring this bill to the Senate floor. I am also calling on the majority in the Wisconsin State Legislature to take up the police reform measures laid out by our Governor and Lieutenant Governor earlier this year.

"The longer these bills languish  the longer justice is delayed and denied. Our communities are calling for change right now, and they cannot and should not wait any longer for meaningful action.’’

State Representative Tod Ohnstad (D-Kenosha): “While we are still waiting for further details about how this unfolded, we are all stunned by the events that resulted in a police officer shooting a man named Jacob Blake in our community today.

"As we move forward, we will learn more about what transpired this afternoon. The gravity of the case unquestionably requires investigation. The only focus now must be on ensuring justice is served.  Under state law, the Wisconsin Department of Justice will oversee the case as an outside, independent law enforcement agency.

"Throughout my life and career I have marched and acted to overcome injustices wherever I see them. I have stood opposed to excessive force and unnecessary escalation by law enforcement and in support of transparency and accountability. Police are entrusted with great responsibility and must be held to the highest standard. 

"Throughout the conversations I have had tonight, in the absence of a greater understanding of what occurred, the primary feeling expressed has been a deep anger and sadness that something like this would happen in our neighborhoods. These are streets where bicycles should be flying by, rather than bullets. My heart and thoughts are with Jacob and his friends and family in the aftermath of this shooting.”

State Representative Jim Steineke (R-Kaukauna), the Assembly Majority Leader: "What we must now do is await further details and see the Department of Justice-lead investigation of this shooting through to its conclusion without racing towards judgment," he said.

“Any protests that occur must be peaceful. Violence begets violence and does nothing to further any cause. While the wheels of justice turn slowly, justice itself is what everyone deserves and cannot be prejudged or predetermined.

“I encourage elected officials to resist the temptation to rush to judgment as well. The frustration and anger that many in our communities are feeling must be met with empathy, but cannot be further fueled by politicians’ statements or actions that can stoke flames of violence.

“What we can and should do is encourage, emphatically, peace in our communities and a fair and just investigation that answers the questions we all have. I hope you’ll all join me in praying for all of those involved.”

State Representative Van Wanggaard (R-Racine), a former Racine police officer and head of the Senate public safety committee: “The video of a Kenosha Police Officer shooting Jacob Blake appears shocking.

“Although the video that is publicly available at this time provides a picture of the incident, it is also important to remember that there is a great deal that cannot be seen, and many witnesses who saw the events leading up to and during the event from different perspectives. That is why there should be, and will be, a thorough, independent investigation by the Wisconsin Department of Justice into the shooting of Mr. Blake. If the independent investigation shows the shooting to be unjustified, people will be held accountable.

"Exhale. Everyone should take a deep breath. There is an investigatory process that must be followed, so no evidence is overlooked. We must let law and reason, not emotion, guide the next steps. I know passions and tensions are high right now between certain communities and law enforcement. It’s important to realize that tension goes both ways. Although each situation is unique, it is easy to lump every interaction together when it is the perceived reality you live in. But nothing justifies the violence and destruction we saw last night.

"By improving the accountability of police, by increasing community involvement to promote better understandings between the community and police, and by being as transparent as possible, we can permanently improve the situation and change the narrative to the better. The healing won’t occur overnight, but it can and must be improved by working together.

"I hesitate to do this, because the situation in Kenosha stands on its own, but I am extremely shocked by the content of Governor Evers’ statement last night. The best leaders attempt to diffuse situations, not escalate them. Evers’ statement was irresponsible and inflammatory. He jumped to conclusions without first having all the facts. At a time when stereotyping situations is especially risky, Evers’ stereotyped of every police interaction with people of color - harming both.

"Last night, I asked the Governor to provide all necessary assistance to both the city and county of Kenosha, including the National Guard. I was told he was providing such assistance. After the events of yesterday afternoon and Evers’ statement last night, Kenosha will need all the help it can get - especially your prayers."

State Representative Greta Neubauer (D-Racine): “I am horrified, sickened and angry over the police shooting of Jacob Blake last night.

“It is long past time for deep and systemic change. Change in how we police, how we prosecute and how we incarcerate. But also change in how we invest in and strengthen our communities.

“Continued police violence against Black people is a symptom of the systemic racism and white supremacy deeply embedded in our country’s past and present. Leaders at every level — federal, state, local — cannot continue to stand by.

“I support the right to protest in Kenosha and I will be joining people in the streets. Today and in the days to come, my thoughts are with Jacob, his family, and his community, and I am sending them strength in this time.

“Black Lives Matter."

Kenosha Ald. Anthony Kennedy, in whose district the shooting happened, said Monday morning that people are angry.

“There’s a ton of questions that they’re asking,” he told the Journal Sentinel. “Why wasn’t he tasered? Why did it take seven shots? Why wasn’t he tackled? There’s a ton of questions out there, and social media is a weapon and information is being weaponized to agitate people in our community."

The video breaks his heart, he said. But there is a process in place in which under state law the shooting will not be investigated by Kenosha police but rather by an outside agency, he said.

He said he understands the anger and frustration, adding that he is also angry and frustrated. But, he said, he is not going to indict the entire Kenosha Police Department based on a seconds-long video clip.

If the officer has done something wrong, Kennedy said, “we will hold him accountable.”

But he also said of the national spotlight now trained on his city that people will try to fit this shooting into the same narrative around police violence toward Black people in cases like the deaths of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd.

“I can’t stop that kind of thing,” he said. “I would just ask people to understand that I don’t believe my police department overall should be lumped into … this whole narrative.”

“But unfortunately it is a police-involved shooting. The optics are horrible, absolutely horrible,” he added. But, Kennedy said, at the end of the day, there are real people – an officer, a victim and their families – involved."

Jenevia Blanks, a volunteer with the Wisconsin chapter of Moms Demand Action, a gun control advocacy group: “Our thoughts are with Jacob and his family as he fights for his life after he was shot in the back several times. Law

enforcement officers take a pledge to protect and serve and we will fight for justice, a transparent and thorough investigation, and reforms to prevent future police shootings.

"Research shows that meaningful use of force policies encourage de-escalation, utilize early intervention systems, and ensure that officers who act in a manner that is criminally negligent can be held accountable. Use of force policies can ensure that laws help advance safety."

Wendy Strout, Human Rights Campaign Wisconsin state director: “What happened to Jacob Blake is absolutely horrific and clearly shows that our nation is still deep in the battle for the safety and dignity of black lives. Jacob Blake was shot multiple times in broad daylight in front of his children. The officers responsible for this senseless shooting must be held accountable for their actions. The investigation should be swift and thorough so that Blake’s family, the people of Kenosha, and all of the U.S., especially Black Americans, can know that we are turning the tide on our nation’s long history of devaluing Black lives, and that we now live in a nation where unjust shootings of Black people by police will not go unpunished.”

JR Radcliffe can be reached at (262) 361-9141 or Follow him on Twitter at @JRRadcliffe. Alison Dirr contributed to this story.

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